"The Littlest Barista” is a 24 pages picture book written by Melissa Cummings, illustrated by me and published in the US by Cummings Press.

The Littlest Barista tells the story of a day in the life of a young boy whose parents own a café!

The first step to bringing this book to life was to design the characters. Here are some exploratory and final character designs for this book:

Here's also the final design of the outside of the café:

With the characters and the main location finalised, it was time to sketch/storyboard the whole book. Here are the final sketches of first few spreads of the book:

It was then time to colour the book! The chosen colour palette was soft and muted. Here are some of the finished spreads of the book!

For the first page of the book, I made a coffee shop inspired pattern! This is the pattern and this is how it looked on the first page:

And this is the front and back cover and the finished book! The book is available internationally on Amazon.

Thanks for watching!


The Littlest Baker - Picture Book


Night Animals Illustrations